Janice CubanApr 15The case for freelancing (not just the $)Discussing your freelance income in a LinkedIn post: is it helpful or hurtful?
Janice CubanJul 14, 2023The Museum of Failure won me overA golf club that you can urinate in. Google Glass. The Trump collection. What do these all have in common? A "coveted" spot at the Museum...
Janice CubanMay 9, 2023Five awwwkward client situations 😬When you take a new gig, you’re not just taking on the project—you become enmeshed with your client, the corporate culture, and other...
Janice CubanSep 30, 20214 Work Throwbacks I Won't Throw OutA few weeks ago, I glanced at my daily schedule. First up was a new client meeting. I was shocked to see that they set up a phone call. I...