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Janice Cuban
Feb 28, 2015
If It’s Called Customer Experience, Why is it All About the Company?
To get more insight on this disconnect, I sat down with Lynn Hunsaker, a customer experience expert who helps companies love and be loved...

Janice Cuban
Mar 31, 2014
What Marketers Need to Know From Ad:Tech San Francisco
The Advertising Industry is Stronger Than Ever (But Still Inefficient) To begin with, the number of exhibitors at ad:techSF nearly...

Janice Cuban
Apr 10, 2013
Humor Me: Advertisers Go to Extremes to Break Through Web Clutter
Times have changed a lot since that day at Sun, but April Fools’ Day pranks are still a staple in many cultures. The difference now is...

Janice Cuban
Jan 16, 2013
Rise in Consumer Power Center Stage at NMX
Consumers Now Own Company Brands:Â Social media has forever disrupted business-as-usual for companies that want to shape market perception...

Janice Cuban
Jan 1, 2013
Corporate Marketing Commandments for 2013
Since the world didn’t end on December 21, it is appropriate to bow down to our gods and beg forgiveness for some of the most egregious...

Janice Cuban
Oct 25, 2012
Four LinkedIn Fails: Fix These Features Before Adding New Ones
In my last blog, I wrote about how great LinkedIn is—and I stand by that. It is by far the best online business networking tool out there...

Janice Cuban
Dec 29, 2011
2012 Marketing Wishes and Caviar Dreams
QR Codes Should Be Banned Until They are Easy (and Worth It): Â Everyone and their marketing mother was talking about QR (Quick Response)...
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