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Janice Cuban
Apr 12, 2016
LinkedIn Tries to Wiggle Out of Its Work Khakis
Think fast: what social networks do you expect girls in bikinis, political statements, and religious rants? Facebook…Instagram…LinkedIn....

Janice Cuban
Jan 1, 2013
Corporate Marketing Commandments for 2013
Since the world didn’t end on December 21, it is appropriate to bow down to our gods and beg forgiveness for some of the most egregious...

Janice Cuban
Oct 25, 2012
Four LinkedIn Fails: Fix These Features Before Adding New Ones
In my last blog, I wrote about how great LinkedIn is—and I stand by that. It is by far the best online business networking tool out there...

Janice Cuban
Oct 8, 2012
Calling All Skeptics: Five Reasons To Embrace LinkedIn Now
Disclaimer: I am not being paid for nor compensated in any way by LinkedIn for this blog. In fact, I’ve probably been one of the most...

Janice Cuban
Sep 12, 2012
Daily Deals Sequel: Groupon Hangover And Mobile App Madness
Fast-forward to September 2012: Consumers still love saving money (DUH) and deals are here to stay, but in different incarnations....

Janice Cuban
Jul 30, 2012
3 Ways to Keep Email Fresh in Fast-Changing Times
1) Mobilize for mobility The biggest change in email behavior is how people view their in box: since January of this year, opening email...

Janice Cuban
Feb 29, 2012
BeTwixt by Twitter No More: Quick Start Guide For Small Businesses
1) Don’t forget your homework: This may seem obvious but it’s surprising how few bother to read what friends and colleagues tweet and who...

Janice Cuban
Dec 29, 2011
2012 Marketing Wishes and Caviar Dreams
QR Codes Should Be Banned Until They are Easy (and Worth It): Everyone and their marketing mother was talking about QR (Quick Response)...

Janice Cuban
Jul 30, 2011
Milk To Relieve PMS Campaign Strikes A Nerve. Period.
If you blinked, you may have missed the controversy this past month over a “Got Milk” campaign “Everything I do is Wrong” which featured...

Janice Cuban
Jun 6, 2011
Cracking the QR Code for Marketers
I recently got into a debate with a marketing colleague about whether people know what QR codes are and what to do with them. She works...

Janice Cuban
Jan 16, 2011
Free Social Media Sites Have Their Price
2010 was a great year for marketing folks to get back some of its mojo and play with some toys in the social media sandbox, but the...

Janice Cuban
Dec 3, 2010
Small Business Saturday = Shrewd Marketing for American Express
When I heard about Small Business Saturday, held this past weekend, I thought – great – a sanctioned opportunity to acknowledge small...

Janice Cuban
Nov 2, 2010
Coupons 2.0 Strike Gold But Don’t Lose the Special Sauce
My name is Janice and I am a coupon cutter. Reading the Sunday paper, drinking my coffee and cutting out the $1 off an item normally $6 –...

Janice Cuban
Jul 31, 2010
Traditional Marketing Does Not Exist
If I had a $1 for how many times I’ve heard the rhetorical question “Is traditional marketing dead?” or purporting that it is, my...

Janice Cuban
Jul 2, 2010
Taking a Marketing Cue From The IKEAs of the World
Look at any marketing textbook, business book or PowerPoint at a marketing conference and you’ll see different definitions of what a...

Janice Cuban
Mar 28, 2010
You’re Not Paranoid, Advertisers Really Are Watching You
In theory, micro-targeted advertising does have a mutual payoff both to the advertiser and the recipient: the marketer doesn’t waste...
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